He Made Him

Verse: He made Him who knew no sin to be sin in our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Theme: Paul encourages the Corinthian believers to be reconciled with him and to reject false apostles who are challenging his authority and creating dissension in the church.

Overview: Inner strife plagued the church at Corinth. Paul wrote to resolve the disagreements, restore unity to the congregation and reestablish his role as leader. Reading 2 Corinthians is something like overhearing one side of a telephone conversation. Though some specifics aren’t known, the feelings come through loudly. In this letter, the apostle Paul wrote about the joys, sorrows, ambitions, frustrations, and assurances he had for the believers at Corinth.

Examining Paul’s emotions—evident by what he said and how he said it—can be helpful in developing our own relationship with God. The main issues of the book include handling dissension within the church, false teachings, church leadership and the unique dilemmas of Christians in the world. Other issues include questions of financial support for the church and for the poor.

Grouping: Epistles; Author: The apostle Paul; Timeline: AD 55;  Genre:  Didactic;  Original Language:  Greek;  Audience:  Believers at Corinth whose church was torn apart by factions and spiritual immaturity.



Mark 8:36

John 14:6

Revelation 13:5

Psalm 121:7

Psalm 50:21

Proverbs 26:11

1 Corinthians 1:10

1 Timothy 4:1

Revelation 21:4

1 Thessalonians 4:7

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